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Sunday 11 November 2007
Its WEEKEND and i just hope to do something with my honey...but..don't know what to do and we decided to go play Kite at kepong. We buy a nice kite with rm10 and it's my first time ever in my life time play kite!!! Haha...it was fun although both of us don't know how to make it to the top... hope to go again next weekend...haha...

Started to get used of my job, hope things get better and smoother soon. TOMORROW is MONDAY!!! and i have monday phobia! It's so hard to go back to work after holiday...haha... but have to use lots money leh. I even wish to work 7 weeks a day if can get extra money. I don't mind working on weekend if i work together with Wai. the main point is i want to be with him either work or play in weekend. haha.... i am happy that we get better everyday. and hope others be happy on their way... :-)
--JeSs' MeMoRiEs--
6:22:00 am

Wednesday 7 November 2007
Already my second week at JWT and things get smoother except for doing competitor report for listerine as i am not aware of any this year. would be headache collecting info and adex for it. other than that, things go smoother than before and people around get better. quite happy of today as i reach company early to finish my ads monitoring and me, amanda, aiko and eric when to pizza hut to have early deepavali lunch celebration...haha... after that, i went to TV3 to finalize on viagra production, saw many talents and dj, and then went to listerine focus group at ac nelson. Although my work end around 9.30pm today, but basically this is better than i stay at office and face all those unfamiliar processes, document and invoices, at least i see what i prefer in this field. Real tired...and have no time at all for all my favorite drama... :-(

The feeling of uncertain in my relationship with wai disappeared that makes me real happy and hoping to remain this way forever, i started to accept people smoking, maybe because my whole company are smokers, but i still don't like this habit because i feel its burning my money only. Why smokes? that make me dun feel like kissing but i have no reason to stop him from doing so at all. Its all depend on him and i believe kissing is not all for a relationship. Maybe Listerine can solves that. haha. Been crazy on Listerine project...
--JeSs' MeMoRiEs--
9:12:00 am

Sunday 4 November 2007
What a bad luck week...things tend to cluster around...but its not about work!!! Regret is never a good feeling at all, but the most important is never to repeat,right. why make people sad? why must get things repeated again and again? Have no mood to repeat everything but just really feel to express in somewhere. Please solves my problems...let things over...i just don't want to think anymore. Future is more important!!! looking backward is never a good thing!!!Let's work it out for better future!!!

Guess what!!! I fall in love again!!! I always hope me and wai can have a sweet time again like how we started rather than cold down love. he started to give me this feeling since yesterday in cinema...but i don't think it will continue in sweet sweet love but will only cold down love... but i do appreciate what i have and i don't want any changes ever.

However, today i saw Bernice and Ron Ng Cheok Hei in Times Square. Both are not real handsome and pretty as i think...I buy a pen holder that i real hope to have one in the office, at least i saw something i real love on my desk everyday, i will be happier, but at the end, i bought a holder that look nice but i do not think it will look nice on my desk. maybe it look dull, i would prefer something bright and cute...but i just take the dull one... :-( and the lubang too small and i can't put small thing underneath it. haiz...

I received my email from ljmu, its CONVO!!! need 70 pound... its in March. Real hope to receive a bucket of cute flowery doll... those are wrapped like flower but its all bear or cute puppy... anything that is nice and cute... its my last graduation...expensive but i must go!!! my money flow like water!!! Need work harder. Tomorrow will have viagra meeting at shah alam granmarie...
--JeSs' MeMoRiEs--
3:10:00 am

Thursday 1 November 2007
what a bad start day that i bang my car in the early morning when i want to come out from my worlds' smallest parking lot. so sakit hati man... it doesn't look terrible, but can see scar over the door at the back. haiz... sure kena shoot later when i go back home. so scare already... plus yesterday having a nice fight there. i am sad that he don't even hug me when he come back and even before i go out today. haiz.... what happen my gosh.

However, yesterday night was having a real nice chat with hui peng and shirley. what an unfortunate that we miss out chloe in the chat. copy a few drama and superstar from hui peng but i do wonder when can i finish my drama since i am now working 7 day a week, reaching home late night everyday. haiz.... when carmen (my head) is not here, i am extreme bored but at least i can enjoy and back early for a nice swim, but when she is here, i get a little tension with the internal processes that i am not at all familiar with, but i get to learn things so that i can have smooth sailing soon.Real duno what i want. life is peace? never!
--JeSs' MeMoRiEs--
6:13:00 pm

i was quite touch for today breakfast but real having a real bad mood for photo. real don't understand why every time also have to get moody with pictures. its natural that when one feel the place, scenery and people is nice, then one love pictures. who will love to take picture when its hot, sunny, oily, messy and tired. can't choose a better place for that? being jealous for no reason is not a good demonstration of love at all, it shows only ridiculous and selfishness. why can't thing become better? i hope i had a magic gourd that takes away all my problems and badness. Involving in moody everyday is definitely not a good way of maintaining a relationship and it will not last long and i was trying to keep us going.
--JeSs' MeMoRiEs--
9:41:00 am

Finally my life in Ogilvy started, now known as j walter thompson(jwt). Just the first week and are having my honeymoon period here but i am sure i will be busy like shit after a while. Feel lost in this big agency especially with all those internal process and procedure. And finally someone talk to me today, its Amanda, and she intro me to aiko, a japanese girl. Both of them is nice and friendly at the moment. hope to have more communication and praying that tomorrow kancil awards will not be that bored with them. haiz... Work overtime is compulsory with this agency, but it seem like ariving office late in the morning is also compulsory. i reach company at 9.30 today and i though i was late, who knows, i am not. haha. the only thing i like about this agency is their uniform, because they don't have any code of wearing that anyone can wear anything (included the most casual wear like short pant and sandal). haha.

Moving to my new house with my honey. Good that the room is so cold at the night but bad that they don't have heater in bathroom. It's so cold to bath in the night especially when i have ot a lot. Freezing...

I hope that things goes right all the way to have a smooth sailing with my place and company soon.
--JeSs' MeMoRiEs--
12:21:00 am

Thursday 27 September 2007
Become drama adicted... haha... cut my hair shorter, feel free but a bit like mushroom. haha. the sun is burning and it restrict me from going to my perfect swimming after 4 months wishing to swim. I have something i wish to write here but i forget when i open this page. Wondering all around looking for what i want, but do i found it? not yet! Finally get my house done. will be moving to Melati Utama in November. quite a nice flat la. Wish everything was fine then. when i back Malaysia, friendster horoscope are no more that chun. haha...
--JeSs' MeMoRiEs--
1:58:00 am

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